2017 Panama
Jan 1
Plenty of room on this flight is there something I should know about where I’m going?..lol

Jan 2: The trip… I am on the island of Bastimentos near Bocas Del Toro… what a cool place to live
Performing at Bubba’s House beach Bar tonight
Doing the opening set tonight in support of an awesome band from Argentina.
Jan 3 : Bocas del Toro… Mouths of the Bull
Hiking through the jungle to find Wizard Beach

Fun band in Bocas Del Toro…
Jan 4: Scott Jeffers performs live tonight, Jan 4th at 7:30-9:30 at La Buguita on the Island of Bocas Del Toro… Panama

Kraken… Aaaarrrrrrr!
Jan 8
Raining on the island today
Jan 9
Transpo for the day

The jungle bike trek… where the Jungle meets the Sea
Bocas Del Toro, Mouths of the Bull, near Playa bluff.. it’s an awesome ride… even saw a sloth
Scott Jeffers performs the opening set from 8:30-9:30 Monday January 9th at Bubba’s on the Island of Bastimentos… Panama

Jan 11
The cows of Isla Colon

On the road to Drago beach… I would have killed for my mountain bike. Try going up those hills on one gear. Uhg … After a few hours the road had become washed out by a recent storm… and then became a jungle path
Riding the bike
Jan 12
At Wizard Beach again
My deserted beach… Wizard Beach, Bocas Del Toro, Panama… after getting bit 17 times in the last hour by flying insects… or fall down a mud hill… lol.. always look at the bright side.
I’ve driven to my gigs in cars, motor bikes, bicycles, horses but tonight was a new one.
Pirates following my boat…

Scott Jeffers performs live January 12, 7:00-10:00 at El Ultimo Refugio, Isla Colon

Jan 13
Hiking through the jungle on an island eventually you’ll find the ocean… Bastimentos, Panama
The Mud,,, The first 10 minutes of the mud walk you have the false belief that you can actually make it without getting mud all over yourself. After about 12 minutes you step in a hidden shallow hole and mud squirts half way up your leg… and the Mud becomes thicker and deeper… And finally reaching the ocean.
The jungle walk
Jan 15
I think, he just lives on the beach… what a life

Jan 18
The pirates of Bocas del Toro
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